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Three Ws of Philosophy

What is Philosophy?

In order to define philosophy, it would be better to return to the original state of philosophy rather than make a profound, tedious, systematic and theoretical argument. The plain conception often has self-evident and clear characteristics. From the lucid and lively sources of philosophy, we can recognize the spirit of philosophy and experience its power.

In the tradition of the Greek philosophy, philosophy means “loving the wisdom” rather than only the “wisdom”. The philosopher is “the one who loves wisdom” rather than “sophist”. It is because the corrupted sophists played pettifogging. Plato and Aristotle considered the sophists as the persons of distorting the truth and playing specious “wisdom”. That is why the Greek philosophical tradition named philosophy as “loving wisdom” rather than “wisdom” and the philosopher “the one who loves wisdom” rather than “sophist”.

According to the oracle of Delphi “know yourself”, Socrates accounted it as “know yourself ignorant” (namely “man should know that he himself is ignorant”). This thought can also be confirmed in the other philosophical tradition. In Chinese tradition, Confucius said: “Do bear in mind, You, what I am now teaching: when you know a thing, say that you know it; when you do not know a thing, admit you do not know it. That’s wisdom.” These sentences mean mostly the same. Man should know the limitation of his knowledge. Comparing to the ocean of the unknown, what he knows is just a drop in the ocean. Philosophy instructs us unsatisfied with what we have known, and leads us to the unknown world.

The fundamental difference between philosophy and the other disciplines is that, philosophy is not a kind of guidebook or encyclopedia or the consummate knowledge, but the reflection to knowledge. Such kind of reflection relies on the intellect and inspiration of the human being. Philosophy inspires intuition of looking for knowledge and fosters the quality of loving by exploiting the intellect and enlightening the spirit.

If knowledge is a huge building, the other discipline is used to build it, while philosophy is used to clean the place, lay the foundation and check the building. As the building uses the scaffolding philosophy uses the same conceptions, principles, categories and propositions, yet the senses are totally different.

But the modern philosophy has left the origin of philosophy of loving wisdom. In the modern philosophy, philosophy is first defined as “theoretical and systematical world view or the theoretical system of world view”; the second definition of philosophy in the modern age is that “the most fundamental and general methodology”; the third definition is “the generalization and summarization of all the scientific knowledge (natural science, social science and the science of the mind)”. When philosophy has said goodbye to the fame of “the summarization of all knowledge” and “the science of the science”, and when the other concrete scientific disciplines have been long separated from philosophy and developed rapidly, philosophy’s function has also changed. In this case, any attempt to make philosophy a kind of knowledge (guiding knowledge, encyclopedia and consummate knowledge) will make philosophy the “unwanted thing”, the philosopher the “unwanted person”.

In this case, when the claims as “philosophy is useless”, “philosophy is outdated” are just raising, the real challenge comes to philosophy and threatens its existence and development. The main responsibility should be born by the concurrent philosophy itself.

Regarding all kinds of misunderstanding of philosophy, we should first clean the origin of philosophy discipline. We study philosophy not to generalize and summarize the concrete subjects of knowledge, nor to judge the concrete subjects of knowledge, but to reflect the existing knowledge. In such kind of reflection the claims of the human intellect and spirit are expressed. If it is necessary to say that philosophy is knowledge, then philosophy is the knowledge of ignorance or the ignorance of knowledge.

Why to Study Philosophy?

The reason to study philosophy is the same as the reason to research philosophy. It is concerning the origin of philosophy.

According to Aristotle, the origin of philosophy exists in the human metaphysical intuition: the world is amazing, so is the life. Because of the curiosity and ignorance, human beings started the research of philosophy. It is the inherent motivation of the beginning of philosophy. Secondly, philosophy is originated in the social historical conditions. Only when the basic living welfare is guaranteed, could the human beings research this kind of knowledge. In a time when people all rush for living, philosophy will not be considered. It is the exterior condition of the beginning of philosophy.

The aim of researching philosophy is for wisdom but not for utility. Only the human beings with leisure can be interested in philosophy. It is a learning of freedom.

A question is often put forward, what is the use of philosophy? On the level of utility, indeed philosophy is almost “useless”. Philosophy study is not only of any help to promote the official position, earn money or to get fame and gain, but even disturb us to get those things with the development of our taste. But as Zhuangzi said, “what has no use is most useful.” We can argue for philosophy’s “most usefulness” from two points. The first is the relationship between philosophy and the concrete science. Philosophy is the necessary premise and ground for all the concrete science. For a theoretical system there is at least one element that the theoretical system cannot prove. That means, there is at least a preposition of theoretical premise or ground. It is philosophy that provides this premise. For instance, when we research the concrete cause-effect relationship, we must have a presumptive belief that “everything has its cause”. When we probe into a concrete rule in the world, we must have a presumptive belief that “everything has its rule”. Hence, any scientific proposition has at least one philosophical proposition. The second is from the point view of the relationship between philosophy and the reality, in which philosophy is the ground or guide of the real life. From any question of the reality, we can find at least one philosophical question. For instance, when we come up with the question “why to study philosophy?” the answer under the lowest level is “in order to pass examinations, get credits, graduate easily and find a job for living” etc. As long as we continue the questions of “why”, we’ll reach the philosophical questions. If we can give the question of “why to work” a considerable concrete answer “for living”, we can never give a definite answer to the question of “why to live”. It is a limitation: when the questions reach the level that cannot be answered, it is the philosophical question. Comparing with the answers to scientific questions, the answer to the philosophical questions is never single, but multiple. Its utmost “usefulness” lies in philosophys contributions to the significance and value of concrete science and reality.

How to Study Philosophy?

Only when we fundamentally understand the spirit of philosophy, can we grasp the method of study and philosophy research. It is again related to the history of philosophy.

According to Hegel, every system in the philosophical history is an element of philosophy itself. The opinions in the philosophical history are the reasonable moments of the development of spirit. The history of philosophy is neither the exhibition of thoughts, nor the battlefield of thoughts, but the development of the human spirit. A mortal persons body must decay but some of his physical, social and psychological elements will be passed down by his offspring. Just like that, in the history of philosophy, no theory as system will be immortal, but some of its elements will be remained and developed in the history.

Marx said, “Any true philosophy is the gem of its own era spirit…… an alive soul of civilization.”

In a word, we research philosophy not to show off our profoundness and to sneer at others superficialness; nor to boast our consistent truth and prove others falsity, but to take part in a spiritual adventure. As everybodys growth, the human being also experiences its childhood, adolescence and maturity. Today when we study three philosophical traditions of the world or the two traditions of western philosophy, we are re-experiencing the growth of the human spirit. Just as the situations in our growth, in the growth of the spirit, the human being has gained some valuable things, and at the same time lost some other valuable things. Maturity means that we gained the reason, but lose the enthusiasm. In ignorance we are indulged in knowledge; but with some knowledge, we have lost interest in knowledge. The spirit of philosophy is loving wisdom and seeking for knowledge. The enthusiasm of the “love” and the drive to seek for knowledge are more important than any wisdom and knowledge. Hence we must repeatedly experience the growth of the individual and the human being. Only when we step on the crest of knowledge and face the abyss of ignorance, can we experience philosophy.

Forum Philosophy, Lecture Philosophy and Practical Philosophy

The forms of philosophy can be divided into three sorts: forum philosophy, lecture philosophy and practical philosophy. Forum philosophy means that philosophers and practitioners make discourses to the trained group of philosophy. Such kind of action is purely for philosophy study. Practical philosophy is the philosophical opinions people use in the daily life. Lecture philosophy means that lectures are given by the philosophical elites to the untrained group of philosophy. The above three forms are undoubtedly mutually related. Lecture philosophy is the intermediate of forum philosophy and practical philosophy.

Practical philosophy is always “silent”, while lecture philosophy seems earlier than forum philosophy. Confucius traveled all over the countries but “wrote nothing”. He had “3000 students, with 72 elite inside.” His students compiled his speeches as Analects (Lun-Yu), which is the classics of the Confucian. Socrates often appeared in the Athenian market to give philosophical talks. Half of the works of his followers Plato and Aristotle are compiled as dialogues. It is apparent that the early philosophy was mostly lecture philosophy. As the writing and printing tools were invented and improved, forum philosophy has become superior to lecture philosophy.

Today when philosophy is marginalized, comparing with practical philosophy and forum philosophy, lecture philosophy is seriously threatened. As the living philosophy, practical philosophy is the wisdom for the ordinary use. Forum philosophy, which is almost a murmur of scholars, is the play of minority and reflects the creation of the elite and their independence although hard to get out of the ivory tower. As the linking between practical philosophy and forum philosophy, lecture philosophy now has nothing to do. It became pallid and unanimous with fewer listeners and hearers.

Practical philosophy is mainly driven by peoples economic profit and cultural value, while forum philosophy mainly by philosophical elites wisdom and personality. There are two important factors long dominated lecture philosophy: first is the ideology. In a long time we subjected philosophy to politics discipline, and philosophy teaching became the ideological and political education. It has corrupted the fame of philosophy and at the same time made the ideological and political education a bubble. The second is the educational system. The current educational system makes all the disciplines specialized, and all the examinations standardized. And what’s more, the idea of educational system reform is laggard, and the steps of the reform are sluggish, which lead to the current education, especially the philosophical education severely contorted. The state of our philosophical classroom is that dogmatism makes course books the only standard; and students only recite the rules and regulations in the course books.

In order to change the situation, the most important thing is to give the suitable remedy to the case. Firstly, the philosophical education must abide by academic rules and realize academic creation. The philosophical education is not any kind of ideological and political education. The important role for it is to infuse the academic reason and research questions. Secondly, the philosophical education must emphasize the characteristics of philosophy discipline. Philosophy has some relevance to other disciplines. But the relationship isn’t positive, but negative. That means, other disciplines impart knowledge, “positively” expand and aggrandize students’ knowledge; while philosophy questions and legitimately suspects the existing knowledge. Philosophy is a kind of reflection. If lecture philosophy is called knowledge imparting, it imparts “knowledge” about ignorance or the ignorance of knowledge.

Translated by Yu Jiang-xia(于江霞)

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